Latin America

Bass Frequency: Duo chileno lanza EP

In 2018, a lot of talent born in the Chilean hardstyle scene, is that more and more fans of this style who want to make music production. This is the story of several of them have already earned recognition as others who are starting to drop bombs without notice.

That is the reality of Bass Frequency, the Chilean duo composed of two friends named Matias Torres and Felipe Torres. And it seems they were brothers but are simply two friends decided to form this duo who are launching their musical productions through X-Bass Records label and a few days ago released a great EP.

An Alternative Reality

This is the name of the EP and consisting of four tracks quite euphoric. If we were to compare the musical style is very similar to the best moments of Wasted Penguinz. Ie, energetic, melodic and euphoric but also has its rough fee.

«En un principio queríamos hacer un álbum, pero decidimos crear un EP debido a que en ese momento se tenia en proceso el track “Reality”, lo cual se saco la idea del nombre del EP» – Nos comenta Matias Torres.

Why produce hardstyle?

Al preguntarles, Matias nos comenta – «El Hardstyle se prodria decir que tiene un sentimiento propio a diferencia de otros géneros electrónicos, que lo caracteriza con su ritmo, y su espíritu a través de kicks y melodías que hacen llenar de euforia a los espectadores».

We hope that from now on be very successful in his career and continue making great productions such as this EP already estádisponible on many platforms to enjoy them.

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Marco Hammer
CEO, Founder & Graphic designer who has been working on the hard dance scene since the 2007 till now.

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