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Por error, se filtraron canciones de Project One y Headhunterz

Increíble pero cierto. El día de hoy se filtraron algunas canciones de Project one que serán parte del próximo álbum que trabaja Wildstylez junto a Headhunterz y además, de este último, también se filtraron algunas canciones nuevas.

«Esto ha sido un gran golpe para nosotros».

Así lo indicaron de manera oficial en el fanpage de Project One indicando que lamentan mucho la situación de que se hayan filtrado varias canciones (6) y que fueron subidas a Youtube por error.

Este error ocurrió dado que los artistas trabajan en una plataforma que protege sus canciones por derechos de autor previo a ser subidas a Youtube u otra plataforma. Sin embargo, las canciones que los artistas califican como de prueba subidas a la plataforma que manejan, por error las subió como públicas, algo realmente extraño pero falló el sistema.

«Afortunadamente, las versiones filtradas son del 2018 como borradores».

Es por esta razón que generaron un comunicado en donde claramente manifiestan su molestia, desconcierto por el error y frustración de ver cómo el trabajo de meses se vio publicado y escuchado por muchos fans. Cabe mencionar que estos tracks ya fueron bajados de la red para mantenerlos como privados hasta que exista la versión final.

Una lamentable y desafortunada noticia que les sucedió a estos genios de Project One y que les generó un incómodo momento del cual de seguro aún se deben estar tomando sus cabezas y preguntándose, ¿Cómo pudo suceder? y pidiendo a los fans, que eviten compartir o seguir filtrando el material.

Ver esta publicación en Instagram

Dear family, . As many of you may have found out already, some of the unfinished versions of tracks for the upcoming Project One album and two Headhunterz solo releases have recently been leaked. . You’re probably wondering how this happened in the first place. For us to keep the music exclusive in the run-up to a release, we work with third parties that use an automated system to protect our songs from being illegally uploaded on YouTube. Unfortunately mistakes were made on their end and test versions of our tracks were uploaded to a new, automatically generated YouTube channel. . This event came as a big shock for us, as this represents countless hours of hard work in the studio where we put our heart and soul into. In these uncertain times, our works are all we have and all that we live for. . Especially in the case of Project One, we are aware of the fact that it has been taking a long time to finish and there are many factors that cause that, but one of them is that this feels like a very significant project that goes beyond the music alone, where storytelling and visual representation and honoring the past play a big role. . Luckily, the leaked versions mostly stem from 2018 and served as drafts at that time. The album will not only present these ideas in their full glory but also present more and in some cases unheard music that has been in the making since that time. . Therefore, as deeply disappointed we are that this happened, we can say with full confidence that this album is still more than worth the journey and the continued effort. We’ll keep our heads up and finish this up in the most beautiful way possible. . To wrap this up we want to thank people who stand with us and support us by not spreading and sharing links. We need you right now and it means the world to us if you help us minimize the damage. This work is our everything and we will make it worth the wait. . Much love, . Willem & Joram

Una publicación compartida de Project One (@projectone_official) el

Marco Hammer
CEO, Founder & Graphic designer who has been working on the hard dance scene since the 2007 till now.

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